RPM Support

Delve into RPM Retail’s online platform and how it can optimise your business.

RPM User Guides and Retail Advice

User Guides

Retail Advice

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I log in to RPM?
  1. Go to the RPM login screen: https://live.rpmretail.com
    TIP: Save the login screen as a “Favourite” in your Bookmarks Bar
  1. Use your Email Address and Password (chosen by you when RPM was first set up)
    Note: The Password is case-sensitive
  1. If you cannot remember your Password – click on “Forgot your password?” Beneath the login area.
    1. This will take you to a Password Reset screen. Enter your Email Address.
    2. Close your web browser and check your emails.
    3. Enter your new Password
    4. Close your web browser or return to https://live.rpmretail.com and login.

If you have any difficulty – please contact: support@rpmretail.com

Why is my RPM data not up-to-date?

Your RPM data should be up-to-date to include the last sales through your POS system yesterday.

You may notice an onscreen message: Your data is not up to date.”

If you see this message, it means that the computer or internet connection in your store has been switched off or was unavailable at the scheduled time to send information to RPM. This is usually at the end of each day.

To rectify this:

  1. Click on the Start button of the computer.
  2. Select “All Programs” or “Programs.”
  3. Find RPM Retail on the list and click on this.
  4. Select the Transfer to “RPM Option” to begin a transfer. Your store will be up to date the
    following morning.
  5. Carry on with your normal day!

Or contact support@rpmretail.com with any specific questions.

How can I see more than the last 30 days’ sales?

The “Insights” area of RPM which includes the Scoreboard – displays data from the last 30 Dyas sales.

To access data going back 2 years, select the Freestyle view from the drop-down box in the left-hand corner of the RPM top menu bar.

For further information on the reports available within Freestyle, please see the Twominute Freestyle User Guide

How can I print or Export an RPM report?

Most screens and reports in RPM can be printed or exported to Excel. Use the icons on the top right-hand side of the report window to Print Report or Export to Excel.


Why do my products report differently than they appear in my POS system?

The RPM reports rely on the use of a unique, common code (e.g. EAN Barcode or Pharmacode) on every product in your POS system.

This allows us to map each product’s sales and stock to your Group or Sector for the purpose of benchmarking results across many stores.

If you have not used the same Product ID as your Group, or the Product is not yet included in your Group’s Master Data File that is used by RPM, then you may see these sales are reporting in a different Category or Supplier classification.

A non-mapping Product ID is the most common cause of products reporting as “Unknown” Category or “Unknown” Supplier.

Check that you have the correct Barcode or PLU loaded in your POS system – or contact support@rpmretail.com with any specific questions.

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